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Question: What steps can I take to lower my homeowner’s insurance costs?
There are a number of ways you could lower your homeowner’s insurance costs. Here are some great ideas to explore with your qualified insurance agent.
- Bundle your home and auto insurance policies. Many companies that sell homeowner’s, auto and liability insurance will take between 5 and 15% off your premium if you buy two or more policies from them.
- Improve your home security. You can usually get discounts for simple security measures such as burglar alarms or dead-bolt locks. See if your insurance provider will cut your premium even further if you install a sophisticated fire and burglar alarm that rings at the police, fire or independent monitoring station.
- Make your home more disaster-resistant. Though we’re less at risk in Wisconsin than some other states, find out from your insurance agent what steps you can take to make your home more resistant to windstorm and other natural disasters. Older homes can be retrofitted with modern updates that comply with local disaster codes.
- Consider insurance costs when buying. You may pay less for insurance if you buy a home close to a fire hydrant or in a community that has a professional rather than volunteer fire department. Costs may decrease if your home’s electrical, heating and plumbing systems are less than 10 years old.
Be sure to talk to Shorewest Insurance Associates today with any further questions about home insurance. Part of Shorewest’s one-stop shopping, our in-house insurance agents are ready to help guide you through the insurance process today.
Tags: Home Security, Homeowner, homeowner's insurance, Homeowners, insurance, natural disasters
Categories: Home Improvement
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